We all need a little silliness in our lives to keep our innards from getting rusty. Here are some of our favorites.
Anybody who doesn't understand Dilbert has probably never worked in an office
as anything but a manager. Or maybe as a janitor.
That is fine for general, all purpose use. Here are some other useful phrases for more specific situations.
At one time or another, we've all dreamed of what we'd do if we ran the world. Unfortunately, those who have tried (at least in the movies) always seem to make exactly the same mistakes.
This page is presented in an effort to prevent the failure of more promising world empires.
The nineties was a long decade. Thank heaven it's over. We can hope that the ... uh, what do we call this decade? The zeros? The oughties? The naughties? Well, anyway, we can hope that it will be better. I'm not too hopeful, though.
Last updated $Date: 2004/12/15 16:22:46 $